
Tips To Stop NIGHT FALL Frequency?

  Do you know what nightfall is? At the point when a male goes through pre-adulthood, numerous physiological changes happen. One of the critical changes incorporates the development of sexual organs and hormonal changes. Because of these changes, young men for the most part go through compulsory discharge of semen in their subconscious state in their sleep.   Read more

5 Mistakes That Men Make When It Come To Sex

  Men mostly don't understand that what they think to be the best may not be,  especially when it is about your sex life. You on times commit errors that turn off your partner... A little change in your thinking can make a ton of positive changes to your sexual life. Here is a list of some mistakes that you will quite often make, attempting to keep a tab on these five slip-ups and this will certainly further develop your sexual coexistence.  DON’T RUSH ANYTHING Rushing things is a common mistake that is done by men in relationships, not only rushing things in bed but also in emotional aspects. Read More

Infertility Medication-Everything You Need To know Is Here

  Infertility Medication-Everything You Need To know Is Here There are millions of women out there who face trouble conceiving, according to many health reports conducted every year. Among them, the only handful of women are using the services that could help them. The reason behind this can be the afflicting stories from people visiting fertility clinics. Parenthood is one of the best phases in every couple’s life. However, if you are struggling with it then you need to undergo fertility treatment. Despite such advancement in technologies in this field, the number of women getting help is indeed declining. Now, what type of infertility medication in women can use is a mostly asked question. If you are a woman facing infertility issues, your doctor may prescribe you several medications to help you with your pregnancy. The medicines they suggest are drugs. How do the drugs work? Well, they work by helping your body release hormones that trigger your ovulation-meaning it relea...

Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Ayurveda in Hindi

  Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Ayurveda शीघ्रपतन आज के युवाओं में बहुत ही ज्यादा देखा जा रहा है, यह एक बीमारी के तौर पर देखा जाता है मगर यह बीमारी नहीं है। यह कुछ दिनों, महीनों तक रह सकता है लेकिन अगर इसका इलाज ना किया जाए तो यह हमेशा के लिए भी रह सकता है। शीघ्रपतन में हमारा जो वीर्य है वह पहले ही निकल जाता है और हम अपने पार्टनर के साथ ज्यादा टाइम तक इंजॉय नहीं कर सकते हैं। वैसे तो शीघ्रपतन के इलाज आपको हर चौक चौराहे पर लिखे बोर्ड में मिल जाएंगे, लेकिन क्या वह सचमुच असर करता है? नहीं ! इसका इलाज हमें अच्छे डॉक्टर के पास या फिर आयुर्वेदा में मिलता है । आयुर्वेदा इसे जड़ से खत्म कर देता है ।शीघ्रपतन हमारे लिंग को कमजोर बना देता है और हमारे सेक्स टाइम को बहुत कम कर देता है इसलिए इसे दूर करना जरूरी है। शीघ्रपतन के कारण (Premature Ejaculation Causes in Hindi) हमेशा अवसाद में रहना मधुमेह से ग्रस्त होना चिंता- दुख- डर का हावी हो ना शराब सिगरेट का सेवन  जरूरत से अधिक संबंध बनाना हमेशा सेक्स के बारे में सोच ना दवाओं का ज़्यादा सेवन हार्मोन्स का असंतुलन शारीरिक दुर्बलता...

Symptoms & Serious Side Effects of Masturbating Too Much

  Masturbation is so addictive that you don't know how to quit? Most people who question the stigma of masturbation know that having self-pleasure is a healthy part of life. Whether you masturbate twice a week or twice a day, you should have some figure about your favorite pass time. Here we assure you that masturbating is perfectly normal and healthy with no side effects whether you are trying it for the first time, single, or with a partner with whom you masturbate. The concern is here is that masturbation does have side effects when you overdo it. There is a saying that excess of everything is harmful. So when does it turn into a harmful addiction? The Best Sexologist in Delhi  of  Usma Ayurvedic Clinic has underlined  some of the physical and psychological symptoms that will indicate that you are in a series of addictions in self-pleasure. Psychological Symptoms Your job or life suffers The habit of excessive masturbation can harm your social life and your...

Premature Ejaculation Treatment, Causes & Home Remedies

  What Is Premature Ejaculation? Premature ejaculation(PE) occurs when a man ejaculates the semen from his organ too fast during intercourse then he or his partner would not expect it. It is a common problem nowadays. In fact, in a recent study, it has been found that every 1 out of 3 men have admitted they experience the problem of cuming too fast at some times. The problem can be associated with psychological but it can not be denied of the biological role. PE in men can make sex life miserable and it can be frustrating for both you and your sexual partner. Moreover, it can also lead to inferior complexity in man. Premature ejaculation is a common and 100% treatable sexual condition. Proper consulting, medication, and sexual therapies for the best way to delay male ejaculation.           What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation? The major symptom of premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation. The problem might occur in all sexual situa...

5 Secret Exercise To Stay Long In Bed

If you wants to increase the stamina in bed naturally then you must start exercising from today. In-order to make your partner physically happy and if you wants that your married life wouldn’t face any trouble in future then you must add these exercises in your daily routine. These exercise not only boost your stamina during love making but also make you fit and strong as well.   Dr. Rahul Dutt of Umsa Ayurvedic Clinic   suggest these work out to his patents and found that the patients are doing or can say recovering fast from the disease.   He is one of the best sexologist in Meerut that provides the side effective treatment for sexual disease and that is of without any side effects. Weight Lifting Lifting weight can increase the level of t estost erone ,   which is the primary messenger of sex drive in males. To improve your duration in bed you should do some pushups, crunches and sit-ups. Exercise that make muscles stronger helps in boosting...